

Published in Muse India: Issue 36 Mar - Apr 2011

The adorned kanjeevaram mannequin,
is ready to be calculated.
Additions and subtractions
of her assets are made,
in close quarters and fractions.
Wrinkled faces nod in agreement.
As detailed negotiations ensue,
future corollaries are predicted
and axioms seal the bond.
There’s no looking back.
It’s all about give and take! 
When evident inequalities are justified in vain,
the kohl baffled eyes blink.
The match is made. 
Sodden paths will now crossover,
linearities will be entwined.
Shes answered, adjudged.
But, speak! veiled show-piece.

Rajashree Anand

When Life Beckons

Published in Muse India: Issue 36 Mar - Apr 2011

I soar like an albatross,
eastward ; where vacant archipelagos 
and inflated magma chambers,
spew fecundity with confidence. 


I gravitate to forgotten heritage sites,
And discover forsaken villages.
I expedite to catch the sunset view,
of man-made and natural wonders.


I dive into depths of severe oceans,
For hidden mysteries to uncover, 
Breathless: I shiver, to feel my carnal predators 
in thrilling close encounters.


I test vertical limits of physical tolerance,
And free-fall with peregrine precision,
I trick gravity and launch my chute
Before raging adrenaline gives in.


In search of my inner oblivion
I migrate to scour new terrains.
I canvass untreaded, forlorn paths
only to feel, share and experience.   


As I backpack on aimless traveller trails
discovering and unlearning fiction,
I spurn fear and embolden the mind, 
to continue on the next exciting mission.



A Matter of Fact!

Published in Muse India: Issue 36 Mar - Apr 2011

One seeks to discover meaning,
in twice-removed subtleties of life,  
through a skilful mining of morphed metaphors,
while decoding the quaint and rife.  

Sceptics argue in eloquent prose
or justify emboldened strategies,
vague belief becomes an approved truth
and we nod in hidden anomalies.

‘The universally acknowledged truth’:
was Austen’s reflection on Victorian mind,
the mighty scabs on the fairer sex,
were to empower womankind.

But Freuds ruthless theories,
caved in on Feminist afterthought
and Ptolemy’s skewed notion of the universe
changed man’s own focal plot.

In this human quest to seek clarity
How far can we trust any source?
Its but natural to find subjectivity and doubt
weaved in an answer’s arduous course.

Rajashree Anand

His Muse

Strained by frustrating forgetfulness
he shakes his ink pen & wants to write.
He waits for his muse to appear,
but nowhere is he in sight.

Without his fugitive sprite
no words can be lucid or clear,
so he curses his pen :“I said write!”
to budge his stubborn reflexes.

Has insomnia got him too?
Why does he nowadays abscond?
He blinks at his ancient fingers,
and sighs at his fading bond.

But there in his memory far & beyond
that slighting elf slithers,
he dances with that hideous blonde
in Hitchcock’s bemusing clues! 

Rajashree Anand

(An old man / poet wants to write a poem. But, his inspiration/idea/muse leaves him and he finally finds it.)
Rhyme scheme : ABCB BCBA.... 

Listless Hope and Deep Anguish

Published in Muse India: Issue 36 Mar - Apr 2011
Listless Hope and Deep Anguish

“Now, what will be, will be”, he mutters
with married arrogance and divorced trust.
Tears in dry, shocked eyes stare back in muted silence,
feeling evermore trapped. 
Each utterance snubs her restless wish,
listless hope and deep anguish

Teary trembles in tired eyes, trudge
to seek candour and speak forth her edgy heart
her over-cried lips whisper to the honeyed moonlight,
“Oh, luxurious veiled dullness!”, she cries.  
Each tear outlines her untold wish,
listless hope and deep anguish

She’d  heeded his tailored facades and approaches
lurid ideas and prejudiced bigotry, but-
how far could she rein her verbose horses?
But seek a studied breach,
Speak forth a testimony of unseen regret,
in dying an emotional death since their union.
Each decision thus bespoke her forlorn wish,
listless hope and deep anguish

With strong opinion in relevant logic,
That night she spoke of their discordant inevitability
and foretold troubles of their marital tomorrow
in unaltered hindsight.
Each word dictated her resolute wish,
listless hope and deep anguish.

Rajashree Anand

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